Thursday, June 5, 2014

Post 1.1

Opening Session Post 1.1

Welcome to our "Leading For LIfe" Blog that will help you recount your growth throughout the next two weeks.  Our opening session not only helped us to get to know one another but begin to understand the central questions for Leading for Life Camp. Please respond to our first question today:
Part 1:. What are the truths of leadership.  Which truth do you you believe in when defining leadership.
To be a leader is to set good examples for everyone. Anyone can be aleader by setting good examples for others or helping people with out being asked. I’ve shown leadership by helping people with out being asked and setting good examples for others.
I think anyone can be a leader because all you have to do is guide younger or older people to the right path.
I think that for me, leadership is an honor. I think anyone can be a leader because as long as you are patient and understanding, people look up to you. I have shown leadership by not swearing, helping kids when their hurt, being friendly toward the little kids.
To be a leader you need to be kind and patient. I have done leadership a lot. I have done supervisors when someone does not want to do it.   I have also helped with problems on the playground and when little kids are hurt.I believe that anyone can be a leader because a normal person can become a hero.(like spider-man haha). I hope everyone understands that every little one is watching you and learning.

Part 2:  To be a leader you should have healthy habits.  Some habits many of you may already possess.  Which habit or habits easy for you below.  Which habits are hard for you and why?

Post 1.1

Habit 1 — Be Proactive

You're in Charge
I am a responsible person. I take initiative. I choose my actions, attitudes, and moods. I do not blame others for my wrong actions. I do the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking.
Begin with the end in mind classroom poster

Habit 2 — Begin with the End in Mind

Have a Plan
I plan ahead and set goals. I do things that have meaning and make a difference. I am an important part of my classroom and contribute to my school’s mission and vision. I look for ways to be a good citizen.
Put first things first classroom poster

Habit 3 — Put First Things First

Work First, Then Play
I spend my time on things that are most important. This means I say no to things I know I should not do. I set priorities, make a schedule, and follow my plan. I am disciplined and organized.
Think win-win classroom poster

Habit 4 — Think Win-Win

Everyone Can Win
I balance courage for getting what I want with consideration for what others want. I make deposits in others’ Emotional Bank Accounts. When conflicts arise, I look for third alternatives.
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood classroom poster

Habit 5 — Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

Listen Before You Talk
I listen to other people’s ideas and feelings. I try to see things from their viewpoints. I listen to others without interrupting. I am confident in voicing my ideas. I look people in the eyes when talking.
Synergize classroom poster

Habit 6 — Synergize

Together Is Better
I value other people’s strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people who are different than me. I work well in groups. I seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone. I am humble.
Sharpen the Saw classroom poster

Habit 7 — Sharpen The Saw

Balance Feels Best
I take care of my body by eating right, exercising and getting sleep. I spend time with family and friends. I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school. I find meaningful ways to help others.
Part 3:  Which role did you play yesterday or today that involved one of these habits?  Explain!


  1. Part one: One truth of leadership is that a leader admits his or her mistakes and learns from them. They set an example to be followed but inspire new ideas.

  2. PART 1: When defining leadership I would define it as a person who is patient, kind, and confident. They need to be able to set a good example for others so the rest can follow.

    1. How will you set examples....You do such a good job!

  3. Part 1- Good leaders accept that they make mistakes, and learn from the mistakes they made. They do not blame others for their faults, and should try not to make the same mistake again.

    1. I love that you focused on learning from important.

  4. Part 1:
    -leaders learn from others
    -leaders learn from past mistakes
    -leaders can be any gender, race, or religion
    -woman can make great leaders too
    -leaders help others for the better
    -leaders sometimes tell people what to do but also inspire people
    I believe in all the truths about being a great leader

  5. Part 1: I think anyone can be a leader if they want to. But to be a leader you have to be respectful, kind, and polite to everyone else. There is not an age range to be a leader, you can be any age to be a good leader.

    Part 2: Habit 4, Habit 1, Habit 6 were easy and Habit 3 was hard.

    Part 3: I played the role of Habit 6 because during the fashion show, I valued other peoples strengths and if they were good at something more than i was than maybe we could switch roles to get the job done, but its also good to challenge yourself

  6. Part One: to be leader i think you have to be kind, and be nice to the other people. I think everyone can be a leader, because everyone has it in them. being a leader is showing people they way, but still having them do it on their own.
    Part Two: the habits that are easy for me are habits are 1,2,5,7. the habits that are hard are habits 3 4,6.
    Part Three: i played the role as habit 2,because while kayaking, me and my friend had a plan of what to do while we were stuck in seaweed.

    1. I agree...staying positive can be hard but so important. That is why it is important to synergize:)

  7. Part1: To be a leader you should set good examples and make mistakes, but learn from them too. You also should help hurt friends or people in general. to be a leader you don't have to be a certain age. you can be a leader any time.
    Part2: Habit three is hard for me because i tend to have one idea in mind that i have to do but if i wait to long to do it i forget about it. Habit 5 is also hard for me because I always talk without listening to the instructions.
    Part3; yesterday i used some people strategies during the tight rope walk. Also during the wordls i listened to other peoples ideas.

  8. PART 2: The easiest habit for me to complete would be habit 5. Although, the hardest would be habit 2, this habit because I do not like to plan ahead I'm one of those play it by year people.

  9. Part 2: Habit 1, habit 3, habit 4, habit 5, habit 6, and habit 7 are very easy for me but habit 2 is a challenge.

  10. part 1 : to be a leader, you have to include everybody when communicating, and listen to everybody's ideas. you also will have to help your friends and have a skill of teamwork.

    part 2: some of my habits are 2,3,( some of 5 ),6,and 7. some habits that are hard for me are parts of 5, and 4. i need to work on my courage, and i need to be considerate to others when they are talking.

    part 3; today i used the habits of 2, 4, and 5. alana and i had a plan in mind to win, (courage! pow pow) and i also was respectful to my friends when they were sharing ideas.

  11. part one
    to be a leader you need to be patient and kind, but you dont need to be perfect in everything. the leader should also be good with working with people. leaders should pave a path that others can choose to follow.

    part 2
    some of my habits fall around 2,4, part of 5 but i dont always say my ideas,6, part of seven becasue i do have o eat a little more healthy, and for 3 i am not very organized at all.

    part 3
    o showed number six when i was kyaking because at fist we were suvering but then my partner and i used teamwork to become fast.

    1. Emmy, I agree with you about how a leader has to be patient and kind. Also I like how your making a point about how anyone can be a leader. :)

  12. PART 3: Yesterday during the low ropes we had to listen to many ideas to be able to concur our goal so much use of habit 5.

  13. Part1: - a good leader learns from their mistakes
    - a true leader is a person that listens to others ideas
    - a true leader needs to know when its ok to have fun and whenits time to get serious
    - a true leader is some one how knows how to lead people in tough situations

  14. Part 2- The habit that comes most easily to me is Habit 6 because I work well with other people. The habit that comes uneasily to me is Habit 3 because I am not very organized.

  15. Part 1: good leaders tell people what to do and also inspire people. They have to tell other what to do or no one will be taking charge. They should inspire people to let others in their foot steps but venture off and help others.

  16. Part 1: I think that everyone can be a leader. I believe that everyone has the potential to become a leader, people who really try to lead can succeed and that people who don't want to lead will not lead.

    Part 2: I think that "habit 7" is easiest for me because I usually make sure I am eating the right food, I enjoy walking/running/biking with my mom, and I learn everywhere. I also think that "habit 2" is hardest for me because I am not always super organized and I don't have future plans always.

    Part 3: Yesterday, I think the role I played involved a lot of "habit 5" because I was listening to and involving a lot of other people's ideas as well as my own, especially in the fashion event.

    1. Rachel, I agree with you about habit 7. I need to make sure I am eating the right food and exercising.

  17. pt1 leader don't order around and have all the power...
    not finished

  18. Part 3: Yesterday during the Vouge challenge I used habit 5 and listened to others ideas while using my own ideas for compromise.

  19. I think that leaders are made, not born. They should listen to others and not ignore them. A good leader makes mistakes and learns from them. Not finished

  20. Part 1- I think that good leaders accept that they have made a mistake instead of blaming it on someone else.

    not finished

  21. Part 2:
    katelyn S.
    -I eat healthy
    -I am very active
    -I get along with my friends and family
    -I work well in groups
    -I help others if I can

    - I always like to plan ahead for future activities
    - I always like to get through the hard things first then finish easy things like homework before play
    - I always listen to other people's ideas
    - I play lots of sports and run in the morning to keep healthy and never skip breakfast

    1. hi me i really like your habits

  22. I played the role as many different parts so I really got to do many things.

  23. Part 2: I believe that I have healthy habits including: I'm active, I help and contribute to others, I work well in groups, I eat healthy, I get along with others, and I try to be a good leader. I'm a good listener, but sometimes I have trouble not speaking too much.

  24. PART 1- They should also try to learn from the mistake that they made.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Part One- Also, to be a leader, that person doesn't have to be a certain age.

  27. PART 2- The easiest habit for me would be habit 5 and the hardest would be habit 2 because I am really bad at planning ahead for assignments and things like that.

  28. Part 1: Leaders would eventually make mistakes. When they figured them out they would try to fix them as best as they could. Leaders would also take responsibility.

  29. Part Two- The good leadership habits I have are:

    1. I listen for other's ideas
    2. I think about how I am leading, like if the people I am leading are happy
    3. I respect other's opinions

    It is hard for me to work in groups because I feel like I work better alone. I am working on trying to make it a habit to work in groups.

  30. yesterday during the fashion show I think I used habit 5 because I listened other people and their ideas

  31. Part Three-Yesterday I did habit number five when we were doing wordle.

  32. part1:
    -leaders accept everyone
    -leaders have a positive outlook on things
    -leaders include everyone
    -leaders learn from there mistakes
    -leaders set examples for others to follow
    -leaders can be anyone

    part 2:
    habitat 2 is easy for me to follow because i enjoy trying new things and sometimes stepping outside my comfort zone. habitat 7 is also easy for me two follow because i take care of my body by eating healthy, being active and social. habitat 3 is hard for me because although i am organized i wait till the last minute to get things done.

    part 3:
    habitat 6 was one of my roles on monday when we did the low ropes course because the activities we were doing involved team work and communication
