Good morning girls! Yesterday you sprinkled your kindness and adventurous spirit all over downtown CLE! Tell us about a reaction you heard or experienced from someone who received or observed our Random Acts of Kindness. How did it make you feel? How does this relate to Leadership?
It made me feel happy that I did something for the community and to make someones day.
ReplyDeletei feel the same way.
DeleteSame, there were many "thank you(s)."
DeleteI heard a lot of people thanking me and asking why we were being so nice. i responded we were doing this to make people happy and brighten up your day. They told me i was really nice and I'm so glad people like you are still in this world. i felt really happy. I brightened my own day up and other peoples day.
ReplyDeleteIt felt really good when someone smiled and said thank you because it meant that we were doing something to make others happy.
ReplyDeleteI saw an adorable little kid and his daddy [I assume] doing sidewalk chalk during our last mural. This related to leadership because we were the leaders who showed them what to do.
ReplyDeleteRandom Acts of Kindness was a very diverse experience because there were many different reactions. The majority of people really appreciated the kindness, and some people were confused and not supportive. This experience made me feel good and appreciate other organizations doing these acts of kindness. I am not in Tower City often so I never realized how much littering there was. The workers who were working in the hot sun really appreciated the refreshing water bottles. This was a great experience.
ReplyDeleteI agree! It was like that for me too.
DeleteSome people stopped us and asked what our organization was and others just smiled or said thank you. It made me feel like I was giving back to the community while handing out water bottles and picking up trash. This relates to leadership because when leading, you can't just give orders but you also have to take action yourself.
ReplyDeleteIt made me feel really good inside. This relates to leadership because you are leaving an example for other people so they can follow.
ReplyDeleteIt made me feel good when I saw someone smile after I gave them a stone. I think this relates to leadership because when a leader works to make a difference, it feels great to know you are appreciated.
ReplyDeletewhen i was holding doors lots of people smiled and thanked me and one guy said he felt blessed. it made me feel like i was doing a good thing and their smiles brightened my day. this relates to leadership because it shows a person standing up and going out of their way to do an random act of kindness.
ReplyDeletewhen i gave people the water bottles their responses were "thank you, thank you so much." and when I was holding the door I said things like" have a nice day come back soon". If they were leaving, and if they were entering I would say " welcome to tower city have a nice day." and their responses were" thank you, have a nice day,
ReplyDeleteit made me feel really good to help people and the environment
ReplyDeleteOne of the reaction that i saw was when a lady saw us picking up trash and asked if her daughter could join the camp next summer
ReplyDeletei heard a lot of people saying thank you and asking why we are doing the things we were doing. i also heard there should be more people like you in cleveland. that made me feel good because they loved how we were out there helping out everyone. i think this relates to leadership because you are taking responsibilty over your community and taking control to make a difference.
ReplyDeletei heard a lot of people wanting to know what camp we were in, and what we were doing. i felt very happy when they smiled and thanked me. it made me feel happy, knowing they appreciated our acts. it relates to leadership becuase we were going out of our way to make people's day special.
ReplyDeleteit made me happy because were helping others and making there day by just doing little things like holding doors and handing out water bottles. a lot of people were confused on what we were doing and why.
ReplyDeletewhen i was holding doors somebody came up to us and asked why we were holding doors and we told him it was for random acts of kindness and he said that we needed more of those around here. It mad e me feel really good because I knew I had made his day
ReplyDeleteI never handed out water bottles, but I got to go on a community service trip in sixth grade and afterwards I wanted to go help every weekend because it felt great to help. this relates to leadership because you are taking time to help people who might not be having a day as good as yours
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ReplyDeleteOne man said i feel blessed when he walked through the doors we held open and i was happy we made his day!
ReplyDeleteI felt very happy inside when I gave out water bottles to hot and tired workers.
ReplyDeleteWhen you give a Random Act of Kindness it feels good because you know that you did the right thing and brightened someones day. It relates to leadership because leaders would try to help those who can't help themselves.